1 Malaysia People’s Housing Programme – Do You Qualify? (2/3)

In Part 1 of our PR1MA series, we talked about what PR1MA is and how it can benefit you if you’re from a middle-income household. In this article, we’ll show you the criteria that make you a qualified purchaser of a PR1MA home.

PR1MA Criteria at a Glance

To qualify as a PR1MA home purchaser, you must:
  •     be a Malaysian citizen
  •     be at least 21 years of age
  •     have a monthly household income of RM2,500 to RM7,500
  •     own no more than one property
  •     adhere to other guidelines set-forth by the States

Things About Monthly Household Income You Must Know About

As an initiative by the Government to help the middle-income demographic, PR1MA takes your monthly household income very seriously. For the purpose of PR1MA application, your monthly household income encompasses all of the following:
Wages, salary, remuneration, leave pay, fee, commission, bonus, gratuity, prerequisite or allowance (whether such items are paid in money or otherwise) you get from your employment or business.

Your monthly income is derived from the last three calendar months prior to your application. Say you put in an application in April, your incomes from March, February and January would be added up and divided by three for the purpose of calculation.

If your average falls out of the range of RM2,500 – R M7,500, you are considered an unqualified PR1MA applicant.

Ready to sign up for PR1MA now? Why not proceed to Part 3 of our PR1MA Series to learn about the application process.